A Comprehensive and Accurate List of Australian Suburbs and Postcodes in Excel Format
(and much more)

australian postcode spreadsheet
Looking for accurate and up-to-date postcodes and suburbs? Look no further! A comprehensive postcode list helps you target your efforts in the right places, whether you’re analyzing data, implementing marketing strategies, or planning logistics.
With a comprehensive postcode and suburb list, you can gain valuable insights into specific geographic areas. This empowers you to analyze customer demographics more effectively and customize your marketing efforts accordingly. A simple postcode list will give you insights on where people receive mail, but with our extended list you can shift your focus to where people live. You may not have thought about the distinction, but you will quickly see the benefits once you’re attempting a task like divying up sales territories, or planning your advertising spend.

Accurately sourced and sorted

We even include which of the major sources each entry appears in, so you can tell at a glance where the data comes from.

Always up to date

We're continually monitoring the source data for any changes. While the data doesn't change often, rest assured as soon as it does we jump into action.

Flexible Formats

We've got you covered whether you are working in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or need the data as a CSV, JSON, geoJSON, XML or SQL import. 

Australian suburb data is complex - we have suburbs with multiple postcodes, postcodes with multiple suburbs, postcodes which aren't suburbs, suburbs that span multiple local councils and elecorates etc...

When things get complex we choose accuracy.

As an example - when a suburb spans multiple local councils we'll provide you with a breakdown of the percentage that falls within each electorate. You won't find this data anywhere else!

postcode location lga lga_detailed
2321 CLIFTLEIGH Cessnock, Maitland [{
   "lga": "Cessnock",
   "lga_code": 11720,
   "lga_coverage": 74.40
   "lga": "Maitland",
   "lga_code": 15050,
   "lga_coverage": 25.60

It's complicated!
But we've made it as simple as possible.

Flexibility for Sorting and Filtering

With an Excel-based poscode and suburb list, you have the flexibility to sort and filter data according to your specific needs. We have more advanced formats available, but Excel is still our favourite when it comes to quickly sorting data. You can quickly filter out postcodes which are used by AusPost for administration but aren’t actual suburbs, or remove suburbs with populations below a given threshold. With such easy filtering and sorting choosing to use our database in Excel format will empower you to make data-driven decisions with ease.

All the fields!

Here is the current list of available fields.

We didn't stop at postcodes and suburbs, so whether you are divvying up sales territories, or want to map out population density across Australia, we've got you covered.


  • Postcode
  • Suburb
  • State
  • Area
  • Population (total, male/female)
  • Source
  • Australia Post category
  • Local Government Area
  • Statistical Areas


  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Elevation
  • Google Place ID (with link)
  • GEOM data
  • full geoJSON format available


  • State Electorate
  • Federal Electorate
  • (where suburbs span multiple elecorate both a list and breakdown of coverage is included)

Once-off Purchase

  • Instant access
  • Format of your choice

Yearly Subscription

  • 1 year of updates
  • All formats

Regular Updates for Accuracy

Maintaining a current database is vital for success. Trust Postcodes and Places’ data file, the most accurate and up-to-date list of postcodes and suburbs in Australia, to keep your postcode data accurate. Don’t compromise the integrity of your database – rely on us.

Maximizing the Potential of Your Postcode List

Once you get a comprehensive list of postcodes in excel format it’s time to unleash its power. Utilize this list for targeted marketing, demographic analysis, logistics planning, customer service enhancement, and data integration. Tap into the potential of a meticulously maintained and up-to-date postcode list to gain a definitive advantage and optimize your operations. Let this valuable resource propel you towards success!

File Type Description
CSV Comma-Separated Values
XML Extensible Markup Language (nested)
XLSX Microsoft Excel Format
JSON List of JSON elements (nested)
geoJSON geoJSON file format - basically the same as the JSON version but made for mapping software. All localities are represented as POINTS.
SQL Text file containing INSERT statements for TABLE, COLUMNS and DATA.
All columns are unconstrained.
Compatible with Postgres, SQL Server 2022, Azure...

Alternative column INSERT commands are also included for databases that aren't happy with the above types or lack of constraints:
Types used - VARCHAR, NUMERIC, BIGINT. All columns constrained to maximum size\/length occuring in the table.

If neither work for your specific database software then the CSV might be your best option.