All sales are final and no refund will be issued. 

As this is a digital product no returns are possible. Please consider all the information on the homepage, specifications page, and file format help to know exactly what you are purchasing.

If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at [email protected]

File Type Description
CSV Comma-Separated Values
XML Extensible Markup Language (nested)
XLSX Microsoft Excel Format
JSON List of JSON elements (nested)
geoJSON geoJSON file format - basically the same as the JSON version but made for mapping software. All localities are represented as POINTS.
SQL Text file containing INSERT statements for TABLE, COLUMNS and DATA.
All columns are unconstrained.
Compatible with Postgres, SQL Server 2022, Azure...

Alternative column INSERT commands are also included for databases that aren't happy with the above types or lack of constraints:
Types used - VARCHAR, NUMERIC, BIGINT. All columns constrained to maximum size\/length occuring in the table.

If neither work for your specific database software then the CSV might be your best option.